We present another ReRUN contest in this March/April 1992 edition. In our last edition (January/February 1992), we asked five questions. The sole winner, Thomas Sparkes of Ft. Myers, Florida, will receive a Commodore 1670 1200-baud modem and a Super Snapshot Utility Version 5 cartridge. From all of us here at RUN, we congratulate you on your computer savvy, Tom!
Thanks to all of you for your responses. We'd like to try another five-question contest and give away another prize to a lucky winner drawn at random. The prize will consist of a modem and one of the many premier software packages we sold by RUN.
We are presenting the five new questions below. To send us your answers, use the word processing feature of the "Send Us a Letter" section. Just type in the number of the question, followed by the answer. When you press Control/P, you'll be prompted to enter your name and address. After answering the prompts, your letter will be output on your printer, complete with both your address and our address. Fold it into thirds, put a stamp on it and drop it in the mail. Of course, you can always print this page and circle the answers.
Here are the five questions:
1. What year was the Commodore 128 introduced?
a. 1984
b. 1985
c. 1986
d. 1987
2. What year was the Commodore 64 introduced?
a. 1981
b. 1982
c. 1983
d. 1984
3. As of January 1992, who was serving as the president of Commodore's U.S. operations?
a. Nancy Walker
b. Edna O'Brien
c. Sam Levenson
d. James Dionne
4. Who is the CEO and major stock holder of Commodore International?
a. Donald Voorhees
b. Alexander Haig
c. Nathaniel Harthorne
d. Irving Gould
5. Where has the U.S. division of Commodore been based for the past several years?
a. Peterborough, New Hampshire
b. Liverpool, England
c. West Chester, Pennsylvania
d. San Francisco, California
We'll publish the winner in our next edition of ReRUN. Remember--if you don't have access to a printer, feel free to jot your answers down on a piece of paper and mail it in.